
Things You Should Know Before Getting A Rabbit

Hey guys! Today I'm going to be sharing with you six things you need to know before getting a rabbit. When getting a rabbit, it's super important to fully understand the responsibilities that come with it. Diet It's important to give your rabbit a fiber rich diet. Here is a food pyramid I made: Going from bottom to top, let's start with hay. Hay should make up about 80% of your rabbit's diet. It supports digestion, and prevents GI Stasis. For rabbits under 6 months, you should feed them alfalfa hay, and for rabbits 6 months and older, you should give them timothy hay or orchard grass. Greens make up about 15% of their diet. Things such as spinach and wild plantains are great options. Our rabbits love some fresh greens veggies, especially on hot days. Pellets make up 0-5% of the rabbit's diet. I say 0-5 because it is actually possible to go pellet free. there is a book on this subject called "Beyond the Pellet" by Boyd Craven Jr. an...

Life On Small Meadows (Life Update)

Hey Everyone! I figured since our upload schedule is nonexistent, I would do a little life update for you guys.  So starting out, We have a new rabbit! Ok, let's take a step back real quick and explain. If you have any popcorn, now's the time to get some. So I mentioned a while ago that Callie had a baby girl named Sunny. Well, turns out Sunny was actually a boy. And to make matters worse, Callie was now pregnant. Again. We separated Sunny from Callie and hoped for the best. We weren't sure if she was actually pregnant at the time, so we were shocked when we came home Saturday, October 26th 2019 to Callie having babies. She had three this time, but unfortunately, only one survived. I named that one, a girl, Calcifer. Since Sunny had to move out of Callie's hutch, we had to start making a new hutch. And since our other boys (nicknamed Ricky and Cosmo) can't seem to get along, we had to separate them as well. So we built a triple hutch. It was actually mu...

Wildlife Rescue

Hello Guys! We are very sorry we haven't uploaded in a while. It's been very busy here at Small Meadow's (life update coming soon 😊), and every time we've sat down to write a blog post, we either forgot about it or weren't happy with the results. But here we are! We're happy to be back and we hope you are too. So yesterday (4/3/2020), our new neighbor came to us with a wild baby bunny. I guess everyone knows us as the "neighborhood bunny people" now. He told us he had been cutting down some trees in his yard when he found a rabbit nest containing three baby bunnies. He kept his dog away from the nest and watched it to make sure they were ok. The next day two out of three had died and he knew something had to be done.  He brought the rabbit to us and we put it in Sunny's old hutch's nesting box. we made a nest out of hay and put a blanket in front of the door so it couldn't go out of the nest and get suck (although we ...

Sorry Guys (Life update)

Hey guys. You’re probably wondering why we’ve been gone for so long. We’re really sorry about the lack of posts recently. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve written something with the intention of posting it, and wound up scrapping the post all together. Our goal for this fall is to post at least once a week, and we would like you all to be a part of that goal.     So anyway, life update time!!!! We’ve been really busy here at Small Meadows. Maggie had her babies in June. Here’s a picture of them:           Cute, right? Of course, they are much bigger now. Their names are Cosmo (Black), Gandalf (Grey), Virginia (Grey and white), and Jacks (Black and white).  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an unfinished post from last year, but I figured I'd use it as a comeback post! Our sweet little buns grew up so fast. Happy 2020! Pretty sure our anniversary here on the blog is approaching. Keep your eyes peeled for a special post! Some goals f...

Baby Bunnies (Callie Edition)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019. Sunny  You may be wondering, " Woah, how did you go from introducing your homestead, to suddenly having baby bunnies? When did this happen?" We know, we're guilty.  There hasn't been many posts recently on the blog. Why, you ask? Let me tell you. April 13th, we went to someone's house to breed our rabbits. Callie was originally going to be bred with a solid red male. He ended up being very lazy and, after about 20 minutes, we gave up on him. We put Callie in with a broken red next, and it worked right away. We left them for about 4 hours, and came back to pick them up later on. We had been preparing for months before even planning to have babies. We thought the chapter on breeding in the book "Storey's Guide To Rabbits"  by Bob Bennett was very helpful. It taught us to Palpate the bunnies. We waited for about a week, and soon we saw a significant change in their behavior, and bodies. They started...

Update on Small Meadows

Hey everyone! Seeing as it's already April (I can't believe it!), I wanted to come and check in with our readers. I hope you are all doing well! A little blurry, but Maggie asked me to say hello!  Recently, Small Meadows has been preparing for the Spring weather! We started some much needed spring cleaning in the hutches. The bunnies were very curious about the cleaning supplies. Lol! We've also been preparing to plant our garden! This year, we might plant a bunny garden, so stay tuned to see posts about that!  I also wanted to talk about something I had an idea about back in Jan/Feb, and never quite got around to. I was thinking, that at the end of every month, we would do a "best of (month)"  post, with our favorite pictures/moments with the bunnies. Comment below your thoughts, those are always appreciated. Speaking of comments, we'd love to hear what kinds of posts you'd like to see. We're working on editing a few right now, and hope...

A Relaxed Morning

Come on Maggie! Yesterday, we went for a walk with Callie and Maggie. It was beautiful outside so we took advantage of the slightly-warmer weather (47 degrees to be exact). We let them munch on some leafy greens and leaves on the ground while we sat in our lawn chairs. We learned that Maggie especially likes the front garden bed. Mmmm Dirt SAY CHEESE 🐰  We were a little nervous when taking them out front, but we assured ourselves that we were confident in our bond with our buns and with our knowledge in rabbit ownership. Callie wasn't really into the whole cold ground and dirt process, but she enjoyed muching on leaves in our arms.  While cutting Callie's nails, she started squirming (she doesn't enjoy us clipping her nails), causing us to accidentally take off  a little too much. However, after we took a look at it and made sure she was ok, we realized it wasn't as bad as it looked. Bunny Love!!!! Overall, it was a succes...