Things You Should Know Before Getting A Rabbit

Hey guys! Today I'm going to be sharing with you six things you need to know before getting a rabbit. When getting a rabbit, it's super important to fully understand the responsibilities that come with it. Diet It's important to give your rabbit a fiber rich diet. Here is a food pyramid I made: Going from bottom to top, let's start with hay. Hay should make up about 80% of your rabbit's diet. It supports digestion, and prevents GI Stasis. For rabbits under 6 months, you should feed them alfalfa hay, and for rabbits 6 months and older, you should give them timothy hay or orchard grass. Greens make up about 15% of their diet. Things such as spinach and wild plantains are great options. Our rabbits love some fresh greens veggies, especially on hot days. Pellets make up 0-5% of the rabbit's diet. I say 0-5 because it is actually possible to go pellet free. there is a book on this subject called "Beyond the Pellet" by Boyd Craven Jr. an...