Wildlife Rescue
Hello Guys!
We are very sorry we haven't uploaded in a while. It's been very busy here at Small Meadow's (life update coming soon 😊), and every time we've sat down to write a blog post, we either forgot about it or weren't happy with the results.
But here we are! We're happy to be back and we hope you are too.
So yesterday (4/3/2020), our new neighbor came to us with a wild baby bunny. I guess everyone knows us as the "neighborhood bunny people" now. He told us he had been cutting down some trees in his yard when he found a rabbit nest containing three baby bunnies. He kept his dog away from the nest and watched it to make sure they were ok. The next day two out of three had died and he knew something had to be done.
He brought the rabbit to us and we put it in Sunny's old hutch's nesting box. we made a nest out of hay and put a blanket in front of the door so it couldn't go out of the nest and get suck (although we later learned that it liked the outside area, so we made the blanket into another nest so it wouldn't be cold). We gave it some small pieces of grass and alfalfa based pellets. We left a saucer of milk in there and even tried bottle feeding it, but it wasn't taking the milk. It didn't seem to be hungry or even getting skinnier or colder.
We think it may have eaten some hay from the nest and the grass we left there. It was very active and seemed fine, and after further research we learned it may be 3-5 weeks old. It still has a milk spot so until that goes away, we are going to keep it with us.
We decided to give it a name: Violet. We named it that because there was a purple flower on the baby when we got it. Violet always seems to want to cuddle, because they're used to having siblings to snuggle with. We feel that the baby may have been ok without us, but our neighbor had already taken it from the nest, and the hutch still had a trace of Sunny in it, so there was no going back. We are planning on releasing it in a few days. We want to give the milk spot time to go away, and we want to make sure it knows how to eat food. And we are giving it a small saucer of water, as it isn't drinking the milk. We are still going to try at least once a day to give it milk, but we don't think it will take it.
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