A Relaxed Morning

Come on Maggie!

Yesterday, we went for a walk with Callie and Maggie. It was beautiful outside so we took advantage of the slightly-warmer weather (47 degrees to be exact). We let them munch on some leafy greens and leaves on the ground while we sat in our lawn chairs. We learned that Maggie especially likes the front garden bed.

Mmmm Dirt

 We were a little nervous when taking them out front, but we assured ourselves that we were confident in our bond with our buns and with our knowledge in rabbit ownership. Callie wasn't really into the whole cold ground and dirt process, but she enjoyed muching on leaves in our arms. 

While cutting Callie's nails, she started squirming (she doesn't enjoy us clipping her nails), causing us to accidentally take off  a little too much. However, after we took a look at it and made sure she was ok, we realized it wasn't as bad as it looked.

Bunny Love!!!!

Overall, it was a successful and happy day on the homestead here at Small Meadows Rabbitry.
We look forward to seeing you next time!!!!


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